Thursday, September 6, 2007

Reporting in and a question...

Finished the back tonight and am still loving the pattern. I've decided to move on to the fronts and I have a quick question: Do we all agree that the pattern should read the ribbing is done for 1.5" on the front (just like the back) or the 1.25" that it states? Is there some reason it is a quarter of an inch less that I just don't understand?



Anonymous said...

I'm with you, 1.5" all around.. Even the sleeves call for 1.5" of ribbing, so I really don't see a reason for the fronts to only have 1.25".

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was fast! Thanks, Danielle!

Amanda said...

Wow, the pattern says that? I guess that shows how much attention I've been paying...I did 1.5" for each front.

Anonymous said...

I'm not quite there, yet, but I agree! I saw that and wondered ..

The Kelly Green Rogue said...

I didn't even noticed that, I did them the same as the back. :)

gsshorty said...

Just noticed that today. I'm doing 1.5 for all my ribbing.