Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I love my finished sweater! It's so warm and comfy. I foresee it being worn over a long-sleeved henley once it gets cool.. For now I've been wearing it around the house and such, because it's always cold indoors even when it's really hot outdoors.

Completed Minimalist Cardigan

That's my instant-gratification self-portrait.. I'm hoping my boyfriend can take some more detailed pictures for me soon, and those will show up on my blog.

This was a fun, quick, and fairly easy project! Right now I'm missing having it to knit on while I read for my classes.


bonitapita said...

Looks great!!!

The Kelly Green Rogue said...

congrats! it looks great!

Amanda said...

It looks lovely -- congratulations!

Brenda said...

Well done! It looks great!

Jeri said...

Yea for finished sweaters. Are the edges cooperating?